Our association has more than 70 members. The General Committee is the entity’s main organ of decision responsible for electing the members of our Board of Directors.
The current Board of Directors is formed by:
- President: Pilar López
- First Vice-President: Josep Armengol
- Second Vice-President: Jaume Garcia
- Secretary: Àngels Granell
- Treasurer: Francesc Borràs
- Vocal: Joana Caba
- Vocal: Ricard Romagosa
- Vocal: Francesc Garcia
- Vocal: Agustí Gasulla
The Association has six different working groups which ensure its smooth running:
- Cropping space in the Torreblanca Park
- Courses, workshops and lectures
- Exhibitions and contests
- Knowledge Spreading and Research
- Communication and webpage
- Events
- Every working group is formed by different members who elaborate proposals on their field and are responsible for organizing and developing their activities and ongoing projects.